Based on our experience in crisis management and thorough fast-tracked needs assessment, we divided our COVID strategy into three parts – awareness, emergency relief and education....

We distributed food and winter kits to low-income families, provided livelihood support to families affected by conflict and established community learning centers for children to keep them engaged in activity based learning, remedial education, art and recreation....

We distributed food kits containing essential food items to low income families and provided medical relief in the form of injury specific medicines to victims in collaboration with local partners like Athrout, JVC, HPVT, etc....

We provide remedial education to children and capacity building to local volunteers with a focus exclusively on enhancing learning competencies. The project is currently operational across three villages of the valley – Margi, Mulwarwan and Mingli....

In partnership with local partner, CHINAR provides free rehabilitation services to 50 children with special needs - mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism etc. belonging to low-income groups. Rehabilitation services includes pick and drop from their home, speech therapy, physiotherapy, vocational training and other related activities....

This covers teacher capacity building, student learning assessments, community mobilization events, coordination with education administration, mobilization etc. to make students independent learners and enhance the learning outcomes expected at their age. ...
