A. Education Support This covers basic necessities for education including school fee, tuition fee, uniforms, books and stationery. B. Medical Support This support type ensures provision of first aid kits, yearly health check-ups, follow up medications and medical emergency support to the enrolled children and their families. Emergency...

Full Support includes the Basic Support categories and the following: Nutrition Support Providing for a quality life does not stop at education. Some of the children selected under this program belong to families that cannot make ends meet and hence suffer from nutritional deficiencies. Hygiene Support Each child enrolled...

The program is focused on teaching children life skills that will empower them to overcome life's challenges and capitalize on opportunities through capacity building and mindset transformation. The target group consists of children aged 13 to 18 years....

This program is aimed at helping children in the age group of 15 to 18 years to have broadened career possibilities, increased prospects for personal growth, acquisition of new age career information, and increased knowledge of potential career paths....
